Deployment of Self-employed Persons

Specialist in mediation of flexible and qualified self-employed persons

As a client, you choose Co-flex as your mediation agency for comprehensive service.

For years, Co-flex has specialised in mediation of flexible and qualified independent professionals (self-employed sole traders). We have the right professionals for both short and long-term assignments. Reliable, easily accessible and for a transparent rate. We have many years of experience and are committed to high quality standards in mediation of independent professionals.
Self-employed persons Mediation means that we mediate between the self-employed person (sole trader) and our clients. We link self-employed persons to clients who would like to use the services of independent professionals with the right knowledge and skills to match the assignment. The mandatory model agreement of the Tax and Customs Administration is agreed between Co-flex and the self-employed person. We will enter into an assignment agreement with our clients with references to the mandatory model agreement of the Tax and Customs Administration. The administration with regard to the independent professional and the organisation of the (weekly) payments to the self-employed workers is also very much appreciated in the support to our clients.

Tailor-made proposal

After a personal discussion about specific requirements and possibilities, we will prepare a tailor-made proposal. Clear working arrangements, without ambiguities regarding the Employment Relationships Deregulation Act (Wet deregulering beoordeling arbeidsrelaties, wet DBA) and the Balanced Labour Market Act (Wet arbeidsmarkt in balans, WAB) Our experienced account managers and planners get to work and find the right match based on the required competencies. We create a successful collaboration through fixed contacts and a no-nonsense approach.

For more information about Self-employed persons Mediation, please contact us on 046 410 6305 or leave a message using our contact form. We would be happy to visit you for a more detailed introduction.

Can we help you mediate with professionals?